As a responsible parent, caregiver, or adult, ensuring the safety and well-being of your infant is a top priority.

Recently, there has been a rise in concerns regarding the safety of certain baby formulas, with a particular focus on Similac and Enfamil baby formulas. This led to NEC Baby Formula Lawsuits, which allege that certain baby formulas cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in babies. The parents are suing the manufacturers of these formulas, claiming they knew of the risks but failed to mention it on the product.

In this article, we aim to provide you with the latest information on the issue, empowering you to make informed decisions about your child’s nutrition and safety.

Understanding the Link Between NEC and Baby Formula

First, let’s understand what NEC is.

NEC stands for Necrotizing Enterocolitis. It is a serious gastrointestinal disease that particularly affects premature babies. It causes inflammation, damages the intestines, and, in rare cases, even leads to death. NEC can also result in long-term neurological and nutritional disorders. There’s little research as to what causes NEC, but it varies per child.

However, NEC is treatable if treated immediately. Most babies can make a full recovery without suffering lifelong damage. However, body weight plays a key role in this. The lower the baby’s weight, the greater the chances of death. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), for babies who weigh 3.3 lbs or lower, the mortality rate rises to 50%. Whereas, for babies of 5.5 lbs and above, the mortality rate falls as much as 20%.

While experts do not have an explanation, they have narrowed down certain factors that can cause NEC. These include:

  • Consuming cow-based baby formula
  • Underdeveloped intestines
  • Lack of blood flow in the intestines
  • Intestinal injuries or infections
  • Infants who received blood transfusions

Now, the exact cause remains unknown, but research ranging back to the 1990s suggests a potential link between certain baby formulas and an increased risk of NEC. The research establishes that babies fed with bovine (cow) based baby formula were at a higher risk of developing NEC as compared to those who were only given human milk.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the World Health Organization (WHO) all stand by these observations. They recommend an exclusive breastfeeding-based for an initial period of 6 months. As per the CDC, mothers can extend this duration up to 24 months or even more and should supplement it with vitamins and minerals.

Now that you know what NEC is and how it affects babies, let’s understand the NEC lawsuit.

Latest Developments in the NEC Lawsuit

At the crux of the case are claims that Mead Johnson and Abbott Nutrition, manufacturers of Enfamil and Similac, respectively, knew the risks their products possessed. 

The lawsuit has seen several notable new developments as of late that have expanded its scope and implications. As of January 2024, 50 more cases were added to the class action suit, one of the highest monthly increases since the litigation began. There are now over 300 total cases pending against NEC in this multidistrict litigation (MDL). 

As the number of pending cases increases, it also might raise hopes for a swift resolution. However, experts believe it’s likely a backlog of previously held cases catching up rather than a surge in new claims. However, the most critical NEC Lawsuit update is the selection of four “bellwether” cases for trial. These bellwether trials will begin in 2024 and consist of cases of infants who died or faced severe health consequences after consuming baby formula.

The outcome of these cases could heavily influence potential settlements. Furthermore, new court orders in late 2023 established protocols for handling evidence and modestly extended case deadlines. While there’s still uncertainty surrounding potential settlements, experts speculate that early settlements could occur before, during, or after these trials.

Others fear that manufacturers might let the trials proceed, as it could lead to larger individual case verdicts and high settlement expectations.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q) Is there a deadline (statute of limitations) to file an NEC Lawsuit?

This is difficult to answer. 

The statute of limitations is the maximum duration you have to file a lawsuit once you notice the harm caused by a product. For a product liability lawsuit like this one, it is usually two years.

However, not all states have the same statutes of limitations. There’s also the factor of who’s filing the lawsuit. If the baby grows up and then decides to sue, he has a 21-year deadline. Parents, on the other hand, have a few years.

Finally, there’s the ‘Discovery Rule’ which extends the statute of limitations. Instead of guesswork, it’s best to hire a quality NEC lawsuit lawyer.

Q) How do I know if I’m eligible for the NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit?

According to TorHoerman Law, you’re eligible for the NEC lawsuit if your child was diagnosed with NEC after:

  • Being administered bovine-based baby formula under hospital care or
  • If you were gifted with a bovine-based baby formula by the hospital.

Q) Have the Enfamil and Similac baby formulas been recalled?


There have been a few product recalls for unrelated reasons, but there has been no national recall due to the baby formula lawsuits. Neither Enfamil nor Similac are banned, as there isn’t sufficient evidence to prove how the products caused the disease.

Q) What are the alternatives to Enfamil and Similac?

Your best bet is to continue breastfeeding until at least 6 months. If not possible, you can use breast milk-based baby formula.

Avoid bovine-based baby formulas at all costs. You can also use human milk fortifiers and other similar products as alternatives. Once again, consult your doctor for the best course of action.

In conclusion, as responsible caregivers, it’s important to stay informed about the NEC baby formula lawsuit, especially when considering the potential risks associated with certain formulas like Similac and Enfamil.

The NEC baby formula lawsuit brings to light critical questions about product safety and corporate accountability. As new developments arise, caregivers watch closely for the answers and justice that may help better protect infants in the future. Companies have a moral responsibility to be transparent about risks, even at the cost of profits.

It is our collective duty as a society to advocate for those who cannot stand for themselves.